Fisherrow Yacht Club, situated in Musselburgh near Edinburgh, was founded in 1957 and caters for both yacht and dinghy sailors. It has its own clubhouse at 97 New Street near the harbour, where many members keeps their yachts, and owns several dinghies (2 Lasers, 3 Picos, 1 Topper and 1 Optimist) for use by members.
The FYC boatyard to the rear of the Clubhouse is used by dinghy owners and to accommodate the Club’s two safety boats.
FYC is affilated to the RYA and is a member of the Forth Yacht Clubs Association. FYC is always keen to welcome new members, whether new to sailing or experienced boat owners.
It is current one of the most affordable and welcoming clubs in the area with subscriptions lying at only £60 and use of the club boats charged at £20 per annum.
We have midweek and Saturday racing as well as fun sails to help improving sailers as tides permit.
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